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Schools or school districts determine which courses their students can complete for dual credit. Each semester a select list of courses that align with high school graduation requirements will be available for dual credit.
UNT offers dual credit courses for students attending Frisco and Denton ISDs. Contact your high school counselor about dual credit options for your school.
If your school is not a UNT dual credit partner, you may be eligible for UNT early admission and take UNT courses while in high school. Learn more about early admissions.
Once your application is processed, you will receive an email containing your user ID (EUID), PIN number, and account activation instructions. Once activated, you can log in to myUNT using your EUID and new password.
North Texas NOW! is an interdisciplinary, project-based dual credit program offered at the UNT Frisco Campus for Frisco ISD and Leadership Prep School students. Learn more about North Texas NOW!
UNT dual credit student with fewer than 15 credit hours completed at a college or university are not required to demonstrate college readiness through an assessment score (SAT/ACT/TSIA).
UNT dual credit students who have completed 15 or more credit hours at a college or university must meet Texas Success Initiative requirements.
A dual credit permission form is required for new dual credit students. The student, a parent or guardian, and a school counselor or administrator must sign the form before uploading it through the myUNT portal.
The financial obligation hold appears each semester and requires you to confirm that you agree to the financial terms and conditions of attendance at UNT before registering for classes.
Clear the hold by following instruction or submit an email describing your hold to dualcredit@unt.edu.
You can find the current semester’s payment deadline at the following link: Payment Deadline
UNT accepts multiple payment methods. Using the Student Accounting tile in your myUNT portal, pay your tuition in full or set up a payment plan by each semester’s payment deadline.
Contact your high school counselor or connect with the UNT Dual Credit Team at dualcredit@unt.edu or 940-369-6465.