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UNT Battle Flag
Scrappy talking to a UNT Student

The Academic Success Center at Sage Hall

The ASC at Sage Hall offers academic support services and free individual tutoring for students outside of the classroom in an accessible environment. Our goal is to give every student the resources they need to succeed in class and after graduation.

Services & Programs

Student Computer Lab
Adaptive Computing and Learning Lab

Sage Hall, Room 330A

The Adaptive and Learning Lab provides technology accommodations for students who may require, or otherwise benefit from specialized technology and is open to all students.

Students walking on campus near the Student Union with bronze flying eagle statue in the foreground
The Career Center

Sage Hall, Suite 202

High-quality career readiness services for UNT students and alumni through collaboration with campus, local and global partnerships.

Flowers blooming in front f the UNT sign at the Welcome Center
College of Applied and Collaborative Studies

Sage Hall, Suite 394

The College of Applied and Collaborative Studies is ready to help students finish their degree so they can enter the professional world prepared to be a leader in their career. If you are starting college for the first time, our cohort-based Project Design and Analysis program can provide you with the foundation to excel in any career.

A student at a desk using a laptop computer
Computer-Based Testing Center

Sage Hall, Room 331

The Computer-Based Testing Center is available for courses that require computerized testing in support of distance, hybrid or in person classes.

Students talking and laughing together at a picnic table
Early Start

Sage Hall, Suite 110

Early Start is a 5-week summer residential program that offers newly admitted first-year students an opportunity to earn up to six hours of graded credit before the fall semester begins, with many other perks.

UNT Help Desk logo of laptop
Help Desk

Sage Hall, Room 330

The Information Technology Help Desk is here to provide technical support with timely, professional answers to your computing and information technology questions.

Students walking on campus with bronze flying eagle statue in the foreground
Honors College

Sage Hall, Room 320

Learning opportunities for talented students who seek to excel academically and thrive personally.

Scrappy the Eagle mascot getting tutored at the Academic Success Center
The Learning Center

Sage Hall, Suite 170

If you want to do everything you can to succeed in your studies or if you feel challenged with making it at UNT, the Learning Center is here for you.

Group photo from MARTIAL Eagles Family Weekend

Sage Hall, Suite 110

The UNT Male Alliance for a Rigorous, Transformative and Interdisciplinary Approach to Learning (MARTIAL) is a living learning community of young men who share an interest in pursuing academic success while at the University of North Texas.

Student and tutor working at the math lab.
Sage Hall, Suite 130

The Math Lab is a free walk-in tutoring service. Math Lab tutors help students work through math problems, check the approach and provide strategies and encouragement.
Office of Advising Services (Exploring Majors)
Office of Advising Services (Exploring Majors)

Sage Hall, Suite 110

The Advising Services office is a centralized advising team committed to helping undecided students choose their majors at UNT.

Hurley Admin clock tower
Office of Disability Access

Chestnut Hall, Rooms 102 & 115

As our most important role, the Office of Disability Access collaborates with and empowers students with disabilities in order to coordinate accommodations and accessibility supports that enable equal access to UNT's education and university life.

Office for Nationally Competitive Scholarships logo of Admin building clock tower
Office for Nationally Competitive Scholarships

Sage Hall, Room 320

Assisting undergraduate and graduate students in identifying and pursuing externally funded research and study opportunities.

Scrappy the Eagle mascot reading a magazine in a waiting room in Chestnut Hall
The RISE (Recovery and Intervention Support and Education) Center

Chestnut Hall, Suite 301

The RISE (Recovery and Intervention Support and Education) Center is a student support office that provides resources for students seeking information about substance use and mental health recovery.

A student receiving counseling in an office
The Seeking Options and Solutions Program
University Union, Suite 409

The Seeking Options and Solutions Program assists students and their support system or family members in navigating diverse concerns, as well as identifying resources for personal, academic and social concerns.
Tour group on campus on a sunny day
Student Veteran Services

Sage Hall, Room 236

Our goal is to remove barriers that student veterans face with transition support.

Terry Scholars working together on a bench
Terry Scholars

Sage Hall, Room 320

The prestigious Terry Scholarships help future leaders of Texas achieve their academic goals.

A student study group at the Starbucks in the Student Union
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS)

McConnell Hall, Suite 320

The nation's first early college entrance residential program for gifted high school aged students.

A student talking with a counselor
Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

Sage Hall, Room 110

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a state law that requires all Texas public education institutions to determine college readiness in reading, writing and math for all degree-seeking undergraduates both on-campus and online.

Hurley Admin building and library mall
TRIO Programs – for Pre-College Students

Sage Hall, 246

TRIO programs at the University of North Texas are integrated into the Division of Student Affairs and are federal outreach programs designed to help students overcome class, social and cultural barriers to education.

Student reading on campus
TRIO Student Support Services – for Current UNT Students

Sage Hall, 167

TRIO programs at the University of North Texas are integrated into the Division of Student Affairs and are federal outreach programs designed to help students overcome class, social and cultural barriers to education.

Hurley Administration building clock tower lit green at night

University Union, Suite 409

Considering withdrawing from the university? A Dean of Students team member will meet with every student to discuss options prior to withdrawing and share resources that may help students decide to stay enrolled at UNT.

A student and tutor working at the Writing Center
The Writing Center
Sage Hall, Suite 150

Whether students need help with writing an essay or seek edits to a cover letter, The Writing Center is here to help students at all writing levels and at every writing stage.