Program type:


On Campus
Est. time to complete:

4 Semesters
Credit Hours:

Uncover the inner workings of matter and explore how substances interact and react with a foundational understanding of chemistry.
The undergraduate chemistry program at the University of North Texas strives to provide its students with a quality education in the fundamental areas of chemical knowledge, and hands-on training using modern chemical instrumentation.

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Why Earn a Chemistry Minor?

The undergraduate chemistry programs at the University of North Texas provide many opportunities beyond formal classroom instruction. Students can perform independent research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Many of our undergraduate students have co-authored research publications resulting from their undergraduate research, and many have gone on to graduate studies at top research universities.

Chemistry Minor Highlights

The chemistry program is recognized for its excellence in education, earning accreditation from the American Chemical Society. This distinction means we meet or exceed high standards for excellence in education.
Many opportunities are available for our students to participate in undergraduate research. This helps you prepare for graduate school, gain experience for an internship, or publish in a scientific journal.
The forensic science program is one of only 38 programs nationwide certified by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Our faculty members include professors who have achieved national and international recognition for their scholarship. Their research spans the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, as well as interdisciplinary fields like chemical biology, materials chemistry, and chemistry education.
Our computational chemistry research group is one of the most recognized in the nation.
The Chemistry Resource Center and the Computational Chemistry Instructional Laboratory provide mentoring and tutoring services to Chemistry majors. You can also participate in the student chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma, a professional chemistry fraternity, or the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society.

Career Outlook

A minor in chemistry can enhance your professional preparation by giving you valuable insights into the world at the molecular and atomic level. Whether your goal is a career in business, biomedical health professions, industry, patent law, or teaching, your enhanced understanding of the world will lead you to success.

Chemistry Minor Courses You Could Take

Honors General Chemistry (3 hrs)
Fundamental concepts, states of matter, periodic table, structure, solutions and compounds of representative elements.
Organic Chemistry (3 hrs)
Structure, nomenclature, occurrence and uses of main classes of organic compounds; functional groups and their interconversion; the character of chemical bonding; stereochemistry; structure and reactivity; acid/base reactions, resonance, inductive and steric effects; reaction mechanisms.
Physical Chemistry for Life Science (3 hrs)
Fundamental principles of physical chemistry applied to biological systems; thermodynamics, equilibrium and bioenergetics, ionic equilibria, pH, buffers, ionic strength, and electrical properties of amino acids and proteins; kinetics, enzyme catalysis and inhibition; physical properties of biological macromolecules and transport properties in living systems.
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry (3 hrs)
Fundamentals of medicinal chemistry. General aspects of drug action and rational drug design. Drug development, antibacterial agents, analgesics, antidepressants and anticancer agents.
Quantitative Analysis (3 hrs)
Statistical treatment of data; theory and principles of sampling and transfer techniques, gravimetric, and volumetric methods; introductory instrumental analysis.
Principles of Biochemistry (3 hrs)
Chemistry of biomolecules; amino acids, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, vitamins and coenzymes; metabolism of biomolecules, generation and utilization of energy.

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