Program type:


On Campus
Est. time to complete:

1-2 semesters
Credit Hours:

your degree by learning how technology enhances the manufacturing process.
Additive and digital manufacturing is an area that combines computer aided design, structural analysis, materials selection and performance, manufacturing, lean manufacturing and technical communication.

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Why Earn a certificate in Additive and Digital Manufacturing?

Our certificate enables students to complete courses related to additive and digital manufacturing and complete a project report. The certificate will be administered by the College of Engineering and is open to all majors on campus.

Additive and Digital Manufacturing Certificate Courses You Could Take

Digital Manufacturing (3 hrs)
This course aims to apply the fundamental and technological knowledge of digitalization and additive manufacturing. Basic knowledge of materials behavior and manufacturing processes is required. As a learning outcome, the student will develop the ability to design, configure, and implement processes of additive manufacturing and 3D-scanning.
Fundamentals of Product and Process Design Development (3 hrs)
Design planning and strategies, reverse engineering, integration of product and manufacturing development, materials selection and design for manufacturing assembly.
Materials Selection and Performance (3 hrs)
Integration of structure, properties, processing and performance principles to formulate and implement solutions to materials engineering problems.
Manufacturing Processes (3 hrs)
Major manufacturing processes, their capabilities, analysis and economics. Study of the fundamentals of engineering processes in manufacturing as related to design and production and materials properties. Traditional and non-traditional manufacturing process and selection optimization. Students are given laboratory assignments in material removal, forming, casting, joining, forging and computer-aided machining.

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