Electromechanical Systems and Mechatronics Certificate
Electromechanical Systems and Mechatronics Certificate
Undergraduate Certification
Program type:
On Campus
Est. time to complete:
1-2 semesters
Credit Hours:
Supplement your degree with this certificate that covers everything from basic circuits
to controls.
This certificate will give you fundamental knowledge in controlling electromechanical
systems. The certificate is offered by the College of Engineering and is open to all
majors on campus.
Electromechanical Systems and Mechatronics Certificate Courses You Could Take
Electronics I (Devices and Materials) (3 hrs)
Introduction to contemporary electronic devices, terminal characteristics of active
semiconductor devices, and models of the BJT and MOSFET in cutoff and saturation region
are introduced. Incremental and DC models of junction diodes, bipolar transistors
(BJTs), and metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) are studied
to design single and multistage amplifiers.
Machine Elements (3 hrs)
Applications of the principles of mechanics and mechanics of materials to machine
design. The elements of machines are analyzed in terms of their dynamic behavior.
Selection and sizing of machine elements. Students use the finite element technique
for the analysis of machines and their components.
Introduction to Robotics and Automation (3 hrs)
Introduction to robotics, mechatronics and manufacturing automation. Robotic mechanisms
and modeling, forward and inverse kinematics, manipulator dynamics, systems modeling,
sensors and actuator integration, trajectory planning, vision, sensors and classical
feedback control. MATLAB is used for project-based learning. Students are given laboratory
project assignments in robotics and automation.
Signals and Systems (3 hrs)
Elementary concepts of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Linear
time-invariant (LTI) systems, impulse response, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier
transforms and frequency-domain analysis of LTI systems. Laplace transforms, z-transforms
and rational function descriptions of LTI systems.
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