Be healthier
Whether you're trying to eat better or need to establish a regular exercise routine, UNT can help you reach your health and fitness goals. Eating healthier doesn't have to mean sacrificing flavor - Delish.com ranked UNT's all-vegan Mean Greens dining hall No. 2 on its list of best college food in the country. And if you're looking to be more physically active in 2019, make visiting the Pohl Recreation Center part of your new routine, or consider joining one of UNT's 30+ Sport Clubs or giving Intramurals a try. And make sure to visit the Student Health and Wellness Center any time you start feeling under the weather or just for a routine check-up.

Relax more
Just as (if not more) important as taking care of your physical health is maintaining your mental health. Whether it's your first time being away from home, studying for a big test or just trying to fit in, college can be a stressful time for a lot of people, which is why it's important to know when to reset and refocus. The UNTWELL Clinic and Counseling Services can help students work through a variety of topics. You can nama-stay calm by visiting the Meditation Room on the fourth floor of the Union for a little introspection, and the Student Health and Wellness Center offers discounted massage therapy for students who need some stress relief.
Save money
If you want to work toward your financial goals before you start making the big bucks after graduation, UNT's award-winning Student Money Management Center can help you with everything from managing debt to investing in stocks. Make sure to apply for financial aid and scholarships every year to get as much financial support as possible. You also can take advantage of money-saving initiative's like UNT's Access Day One program, which helps students save money on course materials.

Make new friends
Student organizations are a great way to meet new people in college, and UNT has over 400 student orgs on campus, so no matter what you're interested in there's something for everyone. And if you can't find one for a particular interest you have, become a founder by starting your own student organization. There are also tons of events on campus every semester - from movies, to field days, to arts and crafts - that give you a chance to interact with other students and meet new people.
Try something new
Denton has been named one of the Best College Towns in the nation, and one of the things that makes Denton so great is that there's always something to do. Whether you want to check out one of the big annual festivals like Arts and Jazz or Day of the Dead for the first time, or just try a new restaurant or hear some live music, there are plenty of options to experience something new in Denton. UNT's Fine Arts Series also offers unique experiences for students, and the Distinguished Lecture Series gives students a chance to hear from world-renowned speakers like Jane Goodall, Condoleezza Rice and Bill Nye.

Get better grades
Graduating with a perfect 4.0 GPA might not be attainable for every student, but making the President's List with one perfect semester is a bit more doable, especially if you take advantage of all the academic resources that UNT offers. You can fine-tune your studying techniques at the Learning Center, perfect your prose at the Writing Center and add it all up at the MathLab to take your grades to the next level - and those are just a few of the support services offered at the Academic Success Center at Sage Hall. There are tons of other resources that can help you excel in the classroom.
Make career plans
Part of the reason you're at UNT is because you're working toward a pretty big objective, so why not make a resolution that feeds into that end goal? Make sure you're ready for the next step after graduation by visiting the Career Center to get help writing your resume, preparing for interviews and finding the perfect internship. And take advantage of UNT's Career Connect program to develop your marketable skills and build an ePortfolio to share with potential employers.

Show more school spirit
Want to show off you Mean Green pride a little more in 2020? There are plenty of opportunities to cheer on our student-athletes all year, with men's and women's basketball and softball in the spring, and football, soccer and volleyball in the fall. Outside of sports, you can also show your love for UNT at events like Mean Green Spring Fling, University Day, Founder's Day and Homecoming. And of course, make sure to wear your green every Friday for Mean Green Pride Day!
Broaden your horizons
It's a big world out there, and there's no shortage of chances to expose yourself to different cultures at UNT. The Multicultural Center hosts a number of events and programs that educate on race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, interfaith and disability. And if you want to learn more about different cultures from around the world you can check out the Division of International Affairs' World Brew and NationaliTEA events or enroll in a study abroad program to really immerse yourself.

Go green
There are tons of ways to lower your carbon footprint at UNT. Carry a reusable bottle to refill at the water fountains and use the recycling bins located across campus. Take advantage of the bike share program and free buses for students to get around campus, Denton and the wider DFW area. Grow your own produce in the UNT Community Garden or get involved with other We Mean Green Fund projects. And join in our annual sustainability celebration at EarthFest in April.
Give back
Looking to be more charitable in 2020? There are plenty of opportunities to give back at UNT like the MLK Day of Service, Eaglethon, The Big Event and Make a Difference Day. Students can also sign up to participate in intensive service learning experiences over the Winter and Spring Breaks through the Center for Leadership and Service's Alternative Service Breaks program.