UNT One Stop

Let us help you find the answers to your admissions, financial aid, student account and student money management questions. Ready to visit us? Join the queue

Looking for help registering for classes, ordering transcripts or updating your personal information? Visit the Registrar's Office

Can’t make it to meet with us in-person or want to find answers to your questions online?

Important Dates & Deadlines

March 21

Last Day to Add a Class (8W2 term)

April 11

Last Day to Drop a Class with a W (Regular term)

April 17

Payment Plan Installment Due

May 2

Reading Day (No Classes)

Quick Links

Financial Aid

Need more information? Visit the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

Schedule an Appointment


Need more information? Visit the Office of Admissions

Schedule an appointment

Student Accounting

Need more information? Visit Student Accounting.

Schedule an appointment

Student Money Management

Need more information? Visit Student Money Management.

Schedule an Appointment

Student Emergency Support Program

We understand that financial challenges can be tough. Whether you're dealing with unexpected expenses or need assistance finding resources, we're committed to helping you stay on track and supporting you every step of the way.

Learn more

Visit Us In Person
Visit Us In Person
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm

UNT One Stop
Eagle Student Services Center (ESSC), Second Floor
Schedule an Appointment

UNT One Stop at Frisco Landing
Check in at the Welcome Desk.

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