Program type:


On Campus
Est. time to complete:

5-6 years
Credit Hours:

42 (with master's) or 72 (with bachelor's)
Help people cope with crises, problems of daily living and mental challenges.
The main goal of our Counseling Psychology Program is to train health service professional psychologists within a scientist-practitioner model that attends to individual and cultural diversity and the importance of micro and macro social contexts.

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Why Earn a Counseling Psychology Ph.D.?

The Counseling Psychology Program at UNT endorses the scientist-practitioner model of training and affirms the value of integrating practice and science throughout a psychologist's training and career-long participation in the profession. The program is committed to the idea that human problems are the result of complex interactions of biological influences, environmental factors, and developmental changes in the person.

We are also committed to the affirmation of diversity and social justice in the broadest sense, and specifically in psychology as it relates to the alleviation of stress and promotion of mental wellness. We highly value the dignity and worth of individuals inclusive of their gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental abilities, political or spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic class, and other identities. As such, we recognize and incorporate these values and principles in the training and practice of counseling psychology.

We provide you with opportunities to:

  • Build competencies in numerous areas, including self-awareness, psychological assessment and multicultural counseling
  • Cultivate a deep understanding of scientific methodology
  • Gain experience in the profession
Marketable Skills
  • Psychological research
  • Comprehensive psychological assessment
  • Mental disorder diagnosis
  • Mental health treatment plans
  • Psychological interventions

Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Highlights

Our faculty members are active researchers who offer you a variety of experiences and different perspectives with specialties ranging from psychotherapy to eating disorders and body image.
The program also supports the UNT Psychology Clinic and UNT Counseling and Testing Services, which serve as training resources.
The program is accredited by the American Psychological Association’s Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation.
If you start the program with a bachelor's degree, you have the opportunity to earn a master's degree en route to the Ph.D.
You may apply for teaching assistantships, fellowships and part-time clinical externships funded by the department during your doctoral studies.
Although all of our graduates are generalists, each also has specialized training in Child & Family Therapy, Sport Psychology or Minority Wellness. Each cluster includes coursework and opportunities for research and applied work in the area of specialty.

What Can You Do With a Counseling Psychology Ph.D.?

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Counseling Psychology prepares you for work as an independent professional in a research, academic or applied setting.

Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Courses You Could Take

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